Attorney Oldham Presents on Alimony at Connecticut Legal Conference

On September 14, 2020, Dyan Kozaczka and Sally Oldham gave a presentation titled “Alimony Retrospective: A Discussion on Case Law and Settlement Strategies since the Implementation of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” at the annual CT Legal Conference.  The 2020 CT Legal Conference was held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The presentation included a review of the history and policy considerations concerning the enactment of alimony provisions of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  Attorneys Oldham and Kozaczka analyzed alimony decisions since the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in Connecticut and other states throughout the country.  They examined current settlement trends, challenges in drafting agreements, and the different ways to approach alimony calculations.  They also presented on a list of potential issues and areas of future litigation regarding alimony and tax calculations.

Attorneys Oldham and Kozaczka practice exclusively in the area of family law.  The law firm of Rutkin, Oldham & Griffin has offices in Westport and Greenwich.  Their practice is focused on the representation of individuals in high-asset divorce cases and challenging and emotionally charged custody disputes.
