On Friday, April 5, 2024, at the Biennial Symposium on Family Law sponsored by the Connecticut Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, law firm partner and AAML Fellow David Griffin joined with AAML Fellow Dana Prescott, JD, LMSW, PhD of Maine to present the multifaceted topic of How To Try a Family Law Custody Case Without a Psychological Evaluation. The presentation covered the benefits and challenges of utilizing forensic Psychological Evaluations, the numerous pitfalls associated with the use of clinical observations, population-normed testing and collateral information sources, and examined the value to the Court/Judicial Officer of emphasizing family and parental dynamics over specific diagnoses that may be part of a traditional forensic custodial evaluation. “All custodial orders are forward-looking orders based on what is known (or thought to be known) from current and past behavior…” Griffin stated during the presentation. Prescott added, “…All child custody court orders are human experimentation, in real time, on children.” The presentation emphasized ways in which courts can distill the myriad of available information into a sound parenting plan/decision-making determination, derived from evidence of family dynamics and focused on the child’s best interests.
Attorney David Griffin Presents at American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Connecticut Biennial Symposium